Stewart House
Established 1996
0114 256 5060
Most lawyers understand intuitively that there are upper limb surgeons and lower limb surgeons and can direct their enquiries for expert reports with no difficulty. However, ophthalmology is somewhat different. Not only do they use technical terms that some medical colleagues don’t always fully understand, they have sub-specialities and special interests that to them are commonplace but perhaps not to the rest of the world.
Ophthalmic subspecialities:
1. Oculoplastics
a. Lids, lacrimal apparatus, often orbits and aesthetic lid surgery
2. Cornea and external eye disease
a. Dry eye, conjunctivitis, corneal infections and disease, corneal transplants
3. Strabismus
a. Squints in adults and children
b. Often some overlap with neuro-ophthalmology
4. Glaucoma
a. There are multiple types of glaucoma!
5. Cataract & refractive surgery
a. Often some overlap with cornea
6. Medical retina
a. Diabetic eye disease and macular degeneration
7. Surgical retina
a. Retinal detachments
8. Neuro-ophthalmology
a. Optic nerve disease and watershed eye/brain disease
9. Paediatric ophthalmology
10. Trauma
So with 10 possible options, how can a lawyer know they are getting the best report for their case? Eye doctors tend to be very busy with their clinical practice and finding an Expert is likely to be challenging.
Stewart House has a panel of experts covering all subspecialties in Ophthalmology. All our experts, such as Professor Charles Claoué and his team are all in active clinical practice and have undertaken extensive medicolegal training. Professor Claoué and his associates are well recognised by Solicitors, Barristers and peers in the medicolegal arena for their expertise.
A common area where negligence is explored by an individual is in relation to Laser eye surgery. Patients often undergo Laser eye surgery but after a period of time, find their eyesight has deteriorated again. Unfortunately there are no guarantees that Laser eye surgery will permanently fix visual problems. In this instance, a claim for negligence wouldn’t usually be successful.
On the other hand, if following Laser eye surgery, a patient starts to suffer with an astigmatism, limited night vision, dry eyes or permanent damage to eyesight, there could be a claim for clinical negligence.
Our experts are well placed to provide screening and full reports on any area of Ophthalmology.