Stewart House
Established 1996
0114 256 5060
Many businesses have been looking at their insurance policies to see if they are able to make an insurance claim as a result of closure due to the Covid Pandemic.
Under the clauses commonly found under a heading such as "Notifiable Diseases" policies often define a notifiable disease as an illness suffered by an individual resulting from any infectious or contagious disease but specifically exclude SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), Pneumonia or any mutant variation.
The Association of British Insurers (ABI) have commented on their website:
Most notifiable disease extensions cover specific diseases that will be named in the cover. These are diseases that are well known and understood. If the policy does not allow for all human infectious diseases, then cover is unlikely to apply.
Some notifiable disease extensions are more general and do not specify certain diseases. In these cases, business interruption cover for COVID-19 may apply if COVID-19 is present at the premises and all policy conditions are met.
If you are unsure about what your policy covers your business for, check with the broker you purchased the policy from or your insurer if you purchased it directly.
Many insurers consider the SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 virus, a variant of SARS and therefore excluded by the insurance policy. This is where Stewart House is able to help.
Our experts are able to confirm whether or not SARS-CoV-2 is directly related to SARS or Atypical Pneumonia or a mutant variation.