INAs are a structured assessment of your clients needs in relation to rehabilitation.
In addition to the information you will already have, such as the injuries sustained and the circumstances of the incident, an INA will provide the following:
A history of all the treatment undertaken from the date of the incident to the date of the INA.
A breakdown of all the current symptoms experienced by the claimant. This includes physical, psychological and emotional trauma.
Relevant medical history and how it can impact on recovery from the index incident injuries.
Current medications.
Employment status including the claimants’ situation regarding returning to work and a breakdown of barriers preventing a return to work, or alternative options should return to pre-incident employment be impossible.
The social circumstances, including details on: i Accommodation. ii Family/partner/dependents, etc. iii Pets. iv Hobbies, pastimes, activities, etc.
Current level of function, including:
i Ability to self-care from the most basic functions such as washing, dressing, use of toilet, preparation of snacks and meals.
ii Driving and use of other forms of transport.
iii Mobility, ability to negotiate stairs, slopes, rough ground etc.
iv Sleep.
v Ability to pursue hobbies, pastimes, social activities, etc.
Identification of client concerns.
Recommendations for ongoing rehabilitation and expected outcomes.
Costs of recommendations.
Our INAs are undertaken by qualified and HCPC (Health and Care Professions Council) clinicians experienced and expert in rehabilitation. We undertake cases with the following presentations:
Fractures, multiple fractures and poly-traumas.
Chronic persistent pain.
Brain injury.
Neurological traumas.
Functional neurological disorders (FND).
Psychological traumas.
Functional incapacity.
We are also investigating the possibility of providing treatment for Functional Neurological Disorders so watch this space.